Hurricane Relief Project Update

Since we published our project outline, Espere has talked with a number of organizations and individuals that are interested responding to Hurricane Matthew’s devastation, and the challenges to mental health that result.
We are happy to say that we are in the process of creating a project with one of our non-governmental organization (NGO) partners, to jointly respond to the hurricane. While it is taking a little extra time to coordinate planning, partnering is going to allow us to provide quality care to many more people, for a longer time than would otherwise be possible.
At the same time, our other programs and projects are continuing to operate, ensuring quality support to our clients in the greater Port-au-Prince area.
We will be bringing Espere assets into this partnership – not only our experienced team, but also the individual financial and physical donation that have already been shared with our organization. We are excited about the increased potential that partnering allows, and we are very excited to share our plans and work with you here on our blog.